Payroll Partnershipsallow funding to flow from employer to staff through Desss. This coordinated effort allows management to focus on other areas of the business.
Recruitingefforts examine unexplored opportunities to supplement requests from client companies.
Tempsis a staffing method to reach out to companies and job seekers to connect them on projects as different needs arise.
Traininggives employees tolls and knowledge to move client companies toward mutual goals.
Assisthelps disabled job seekers match their talent to the best businesses needing their skills.
Human Resourcesmonitors salaries and resources to ensure fairness in a competitive market.
Screeninglooks closely at all candidates to assure placement into a position maximizes employee skills.
Desss@ HAULhave established a partnership between the two respected entities. The Houston Area Urban League marries their vast resources with ours to create maximum opportunities for both client companies and associates.